

Today's Top Movers in Iceland

Iceland ( IS )

Swapp Agency logo

Swapp Agency

Swapp Agency enables remote talent to get paid as employees while working for global companies. Whether you are working for a foreign company or relocating to another country, Swapp Agency is your go-to solution! We hire you on behalf of your company, taking care of international salary payments, ta...


Circle Car Rental logo

Circle Car Rental

Visiting the countryside to take in some of Iceland’s beautiful scenery? Or Traveling to Iceland for a business trip? Our large selection of modern and dependable 4×4 cars will ensure your trip to Iceland will be without incident. If you are looking for a method of transportation that won’t br...


MyFreeOCR logo


Optical Character Recognition is a widespread technology that recognizes text mounted in images including scanned documents, pdf files, and screenshots. OCR technology is widely used to convert almost every kind of images holding written text or printed text into machine-readable text form. "My F...


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