

#AI Artificial Intelligence

Workorb AI logo

Workorb AI

Workorb AI is the future of work for customer-facing teams, with automated complex repetitive tasks and greatly improved sales, upsell and service outcomes. We stitch internal and external conversations to untangle multi-year, multi-people B2B customer relationships using a new class of LLMs — Graph...

Autoly logo


Without the proper knowledge, keeping up with sales, maintenance, and other aspects can prove to be challenging. Hopefully, there is an app that can help you connect you with available vehicles in your region while directing you to services required to preserve your machine — Autoly. Autoly turns...

Soapbox Labs logo

Soapbox Labs

SoapBox is built for kids. Our mission is to transform play and learning experiences for kids everywhere using voice technology. Our low-code, scalable platform is licensed by education and consumer companies globally to deliver world-class voice experiences for literacy and English language too...

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