

#E Commerce Platforms

JaJuMa logo


We are an owner-managed full-service e-commerce agency from the Stuttgart region. Initially as probably the first provider of standard software and SaaS solutions for online marketplaces on the market, we have continuously expanded and expanded our range of services over the years. In addition to...

Shuup logo


Shuup’s single and multivendor licenses are built for any businesses looking to allow vendors to sell products, services, rentals, and electronic goods from their online marketplace. With a multi-vendor marketplace, you instantly increase your product offering, giving customers better selection, and...

Pixels logo


Pixels is a print-on-demand technology company which owns and operates several online marketplaces for buying and selling wall art, home decor, apparel, and other print-on-demand products.  The company was founded in 2006 to help visual artists and other creators transform their designs into physica...

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