

#Higher Education

Avela logo


Avela envisions a world where opportunities are more equitably and efficiently allocated, starting with education. We give enrollment, admission, and award officers the tools to make equitable decisions and empower families. Governments and nonprofits also use our platform to allocate talent and ...

AcademicInfluence.com logo


Using machine learning we rank influential academics in their fields of study, and we rank colleges and universities based on the accumulative scores of their faculty and alumni. Started with a DARPA fund, we've to track academic thought leadership like no other site on the planet. We count not ...

Expede Group logo

Expede Group

There is a great divide in this world between the haves and the have nots, between those who find themselves in a position of privilege with access to quality education and opportunities for social mobility and those who are deprived of the very tools they need to change the hand that life dealt the...

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