

#Software SaaS

Fetcher logo


Fetcher connects you with the top talent globally to help turn business dreams into reality. Whether you want to hire fast, enhance diversity, broaden your pool of skilled individuals, or just save time finding candidates, we're eager to please....

DSers logo


The AliExpress official dropshipping partner. DSers helps e-commerce entrepreneurs to find and import new products, improve the quality of their suppliers, and place 100s of orders to AliExpress in seconds. At DSers, we believe everyone deserves a fast and efficient ordering method. Efficiency an...

Empiraa logo


Empiraa is a strategy execution platform that allows you to collaborate and engage your team around your OKRs and KPIs. With Empiraa, you can easily track progress, identify risks and opportunities, and make course corrections in real time. We believe business should be fun, open, and collaborat...

Veezoo logo


Veezoo empowers individuals at every level of the organisation to make real-time, data-driven decisions that move the organization forward. Powered by a highly configurable, industry-leading AI data backend and an easy-to-use chat interface, Veezoo replaces traditionally inefficient drag-and-drop...

VectorViewer logo


VectorViewer is an independent software company providing enterprises with a suite of products for document viewing, editing, annotating, conversion comparing, life cycle management, and PDF Fillable Forms. It is backed by a powerful PDF Engine that helps speed up and enhance document and image proc...

Sullivan|Strickler logo


At Sullivan|Strickler, we believe our clients should have total command of their legacy data. Born from a deep passion for innovation and solving complex data challenges, our Legacy Data solutions and eDiscovery solutions are the most advanced in the world. Our proprietary technology and workflows d...

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