

#Team Collaboration

MetaTask logo


Metatask is a business workflow and process organization solution ideal for teams conducting recurring internal processes such as approvals, on-boarding, and reviews. With features including workflow templates, internal process sharing, control process management, task management, custom forms, chat...

Alora logo


We help you organize the attendance process, save time, and go paperless. Whether you are a teacher, instructor, or coach, you will find all you need in the Alora app. Effortless and straightforward setup. Various attendance marks and notes help to stay on top of the attendance tracking process....

Deskle logo


Deskle is a tailored workspace for visual thinking, research, and collaboration for any team, any need, and any scale. We carefully collected experiences from experts in various industries and fields to build this platform. Add pictures, videos, sticky notes, comments, screenshots with URL,...

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