

#Identity Management

Nametag logo


Nametag is a more secure way to access online accounts. We invented “Sign in with ID'' because trusting a username and password is not the same as knowing its owner when you’re trying to prevent fraud. We believe security should be centered around you. Our Multi-Factor Identity™technology verifies ...

Mass Address logo

Mass Address

Every year in America, over 35 million Americans change their address. The current process involves selling your change-of-address information to 3rd parties who in turn sell it to businesses and/or government agencies. Hackers and enemy nation-states can pose as legitimate businesses and pay to get...

SwiftDil logo


SwiftDil is a leading Software as a Service (SaaS) and API platform for Identity Verification (IDV), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and Know Your Customer (KYC). The one-stop solution helps businesses meet their AML/KYC obligations through a single integration. The KYC solution provides AML checks,...

Anonybit logo


Decentralization of data is key for maintaining personal privacy, data protection, and digital security. Yet, today’s solutions fall short. Centralized databases are prone to hacks and device-based solutions leave gaping security holes that fraudsters exploit. Anonybit goes to the root of the pr...

ID Analyzer logo

ID Analyzer

The ID Analyzer platform provides businesses, organizations, and individuals with a truly global identity verification solution that works without borders, a solution that can be tailored to your specific needs and demands, and a security system that is constantly being upgraded and improved. Pro...

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