

#Internet of Things

HYPR logo


HYPR is the leader in passwordless Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). We protect workforce and customer identities with the highest level of assurance while enhancing the end users’ experience. Our approach shifts the economics of attack and risk in the enterprises' favor by replacing password-b...

Nearby Computing logo

Nearby Computing

Nearby Computing provides the most advanced technologies available for IoT and 5G applications. These services allow both companies and public institutions to automate computing processing in the edge for the IoT and 5G networks. It provides personalized services for different MEC (Multi-access E...

Hashtaag logo


When you need a talented, fast, and powerful team – Hashtaag, we’re it! We can deliver beautiful, functional products in about 1 Month with our product discovery! Hashtaag helps entrepreneurs and startups bring their product ideas to life. We care about your vision, mission, and company goals ...

Autoly logo


Without the proper knowledge, keeping up with sales, maintenance, and other aspects can prove to be challenging. Hopefully, there is an app that can help you connect you with available vehicles in your region while directing you to services required to preserve your machine — Autoly. Autoly turns...

Avori logo


Avori is a tier-one custom software development company. We help clients assess, identify, and chart new software solutions. By utilizing our skilled talent, scalable resources, various tools, and methods, we design, build and deliver cost-effective, strategic software for the new era of connected t...

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