
Discover StockTune, the ultimate royalty-free stock music platform for content creators. Powered by AI, our extensive library offers high-quality tracks across various genres. All songs are in the public domain, allowing you to use them in your projects without licensing fees. Whether you're a YouTu...

Startups/firms in United States
Virtual Shuffle - Truly Random

Virtual Shuffle – Truly Random transforms your Spotify experience with real-time, truly random track playback. It automatically restarts on device reboot and offers two shuffling options: "Normal Shuffle" for completely random tracks and "Smart Shuffle" to avoid repeating songs until the entire coll...

Startups/firms in United States

Are you an artist looking for inspiration? Or a fan who wants to know what it feels like to be a star? MusicStar.AI is designed for anyone, regardless of musical talent, who wants to make professional-sounding music. MusicStar.AI provides the tools you need, whether you're a music professional worki...

Startups/firms in United States
Superba Vox

Superba Vox is an online music academy providing accessible remote-learning live music classes led by a selection of hand-picked teachers boasting a wealth of excellent academics and professional experience. We are a private academy, providing one-on-one, exclusively online lessons, masterclasses, a...

Startups/firms in United States
Matchspace Music

Matchspace Music is the leading software platform for flexible music lessons and more. Whether children, adults, or the elderly, everyone will find here a suitable teacher. Discover our app for music lessons and keep your appointments, payments, and homework under control. Learn one of over 45 di...

Startups/firms in Switzerland