

#Mobile Applications

App Wizard logo

App Wizard

App Wizard makes creating a mobile app quick, easy & fun! Our online development framework is the world's best no-code platform and offers full-code, HTML, CSS & app.xml access. Our intuitive UI provides unparalleled content customisability—no up-front costs. Build your app entirely for free....

Sirved logo


Sirved data and menu insight tools enable brands to monitor food and competitor trends on restaurant menus across North America. Sirved has more than 500,000 menus and 40 billion data points providing a large scope of menu information organized in an intuitive portal that allows brands to obtain val...

Buuuk logo


We are Buuuk, a design-led digital innovation company headquartered in Singapore. For the past 10 years, we have been working with some of the biggest brands in the region including Daimler, Scoot, Audi, Singtel, Starhub, Tupperware, DB Schenker, National Environment Agency, CapitaLand, Decathlo...

Avori logo


Avori is a tier-one custom software development company. We help clients assess, identify, and chart new software solutions. By utilizing our skilled talent, scalable resources, various tools, and methods, we design, build and deliver cost-effective, strategic software for the new era of connected t...

E-gree logo


Accessible, quick, and safe legal contracts for all needs in the palm of your hand. e-gree allows you to create and process your own personalized and uncomplicated written agreements that alleviate misunderstandings and the need for litigation. e-gree lives on your most personal device – your sma...

Boon & Bliss logo

Boon & Bliss

Did you know that 2 out of 5 people lie about liking a gift? Actually, most people would like to receive cash, but very few like to give it to others. It’s hard to pick the perfect gift for a friend, family member, or colleague. It should be both surprising and personal and match the budget you ...

Deveint Ltd logo

Deveint Ltd

Deveint: the only creative agency that can provide your business with the full package of Internet solutions geared at creating your corporate identity. Do you want a professionally done business website? Deveint can do that? An E-commerce solution? Deveint has it? Android, Windows Phone, SMS or USS...

NikoHapa Ventures Ltd logo

NikoHapa Ventures Ltd

With an innovative customer engagement network called NikoHapa Customer Engagement Platform, your business can interact and reward your most loyal customers through social media marketing. You can also gain insights about your product/service through customer feedback gained from the platform. Throu...

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